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Five SEO content types to power and grow your business through 2020

Five SEO content types to power and grow your business through 2020
30-second summary:

The convergence of content and SEO has happened and digital is next.
Brands that produce quality content over quantity using insights to understand intent stand to capture market share from competitors.
Producing search friendly, optimized content out of the gate and aligned with paid media strategy gives marketers the best opportunity to dominate SERP real estate.
In B2B combined search averages 76% of traffic.
Content also provides value beyond SEO and across whole organizations from branding and awareness through to sales, customer service, and product marketing.
Jim Yu shares the top five content types that also serve SEO value.

The convergence of SEO and content has happened. Today, we’re experiencing the convergence of content with all things digital. That was evolution enough—then a pandemic swept through to really shake things up, accelerating digital transforming digital nearly overnight.

As businesses look to reopening, people are hungrier than ever for content. Media consumption is spiking as so many scour their laptops, phones, and tablets for information about which businesses are open, what products and services they can access nearby, and how businesses are adjusting to the “new normal”.

In the coming months, businesses are going to be challenged to adapt their SEO and content strategies to meet the constantly shifting needs of consumers. Now you have not only seasonal trends and personalization to contend with but different stages of business recovery and access across verticals and regions, too.
Look to SEO now for real-time customer insights

We have never before experienced a global, all-encompassing, and near-universal experience such as this. Nearly every customer has been affected in some way. Customer journey maps must be updated but moreover, it is critical now that you are set up to monitor and analyze customer data in as near to real-time as possible.

You can expect the rest of 2020 to bring dramatic shifts and swings in consumer behavior, and SEO insights are about as close to real-time voice-of-customer as you can get.

Search data is rich in customer needs and intent. Now more than ever, consumers are turning to search engines for their every need. The insights gleaned from search trends and queries, local search analytics, and on-site activity will help inform the decisions your business must make going forward. Aligning SEO and PPC strategy is becoming more critical. According to BrightEdge research in B2B combined search averages 76% of traffic.

If you didn’t have a structured method of communicating search insights to department heads and the C-level before, now is the time. Start with the questions your organization needs answered and work backward from there:
Are consumers remaining loyal to their usual/familiar brands, or is it a mix of usual and new brands (perhaps out of necessity and due to availability)?
Where are your customers spending their time online right now?
What are customers saying about your brand in social media, on review sites, and elsewhere on the web—and are you in a position to engage and respond in real-time?
How have your customers’ needs changed due to COVID-19?
Are you seeing any surprising or unexpected behavioral changes in how people discover and consume your content?
Are consumers using your products or services (or others similar to yours) in new or different ways?

These insights will help guide not only your marketing strategy but how the entire organization rebuilds and find opportunities for growth in the coming months.
Five content types to power your content strategy now and in future

Get ready to move fast on opportunities for prime search visibility and share of voice, as there’s a distinct advantage to being the first-mover. Choose your content types wisely to ensure you’re presenting information to customers in the best format for their needs, devices, and intent, and experience.

Make sure these five types of search-friendly content are part of your arsenal:
1. Written word

Text-based web content still drives the vast majority of search results. It can be made more interesting and engaging with the inclusion of other content types (which we’ll talk about in a minute), but a well-written article or webpage is still one of the most powerful tools in your content arsenal.

This is what Google calls “Main Content” in its Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines—“any part of the page that directly helps the page achieve its purpose”. It can be text, imagery, video, or even user-generated content, and includes the page title. The written word is often complemented by multimedia elements but usually serves as the basis on which the content piece is built.

Writing is a great way to establish thought leadership, to guide users through step-by-step processes, to share opinions and perspectives and expertise. Landing pages, glossaries, listicles, feature stories, media releases—there are countless ways to tell your company’s stories and share messages in writing.

How can you make your written content stronger and maximize its SEO value?
Understand what Google is looking for: “…unique and original content created by highly skilled and talented artists or content creators. Such artistic content requires a high degree of skill/talent, time, and effort.”
Avoid writing mistakes that Google says detracts from the quality of a piece: grammar and punctuation errors, paraphrasing another piece of content but introducing inaccuracies, lack of adherence to E-A-T principles, poor quality writing, meaningless statements, failing to cite sources, sharing mostly commonly known information, text broken up by large ads that disrupt the user experience.
2. Visual content types: Photos, infographics, and illustrations

Images can feature prominently in search results, depending on the query, and can really enhance the quality of a piece of written content. They can help tell the story, illustrate specific points, help a reader envision a complex idea, and more.

We know that image alt text helps Google understand an image’s relevance to the rest of the page content (and to the query, as a result). But it serves an even more important function: improving the accessibility of your content. By now, descriptive alt texts should be best practice for all content teams.

What else do we know about Google’s evaluation of image content?
Images can be considered “Main Content” by Google. In section 4.2, Google states that quality evaluators are to look for “a satisfying amount of main content’ and list multiple product images as one example of achieving this.
Evaluators are to consider the “skill/talent, time, and effort” it appears to have taken to create images.
Shocking images that don’t match the main content, sexually suggestive or grotesque images, deceptive images that imply a celebrity endorsement where is none for example, and images that don’t fit the screen on mobile are all examples of image content that detract from the user experience and therefore their SEO value.

Google says that a picture truly is worth a thousand words, in some cases. Using the example of a trestle bridge, the guidelines state that “a picture may be more helpful than a text description due to the unique design of the bridge.” Keep this in mind as you create written content—if you’re writing at length to explain something, could an image help?
3. Video content types

More than 500 hours of video are being uploaded to YouTube per minute and users still can’t get enough, devouring over a billion hours of YouTube content per day. If video isn’t yet a part of your content mix, this is the time to figure out how you’re going to make it so.

Videos can also count as the main content, and they’re great for augmenting written text. Explainers, how-to guides, product or service demos, behind-the-scenes looks, expert interviews, and more are all great material for a high-quality video.

And what is Google looking for when it comes to video? Increase its SEO value by keeping in mind that:
Google considers “a satisfying or comprehensive amount of very high-quality main content” and “High E-A-T for the purpose of the page” indicators of quality in video content.
Other characteristics of a good quality video include that it is well-produced, subject matter expertise, uniqueness and originality.
Things that detract from your video’s SEO value include a subject matter with no clear expertise on the topic, publishing on a network with little oversight, or an attempt to deceive audiences in some way.

Note that Google specifically instructs raters that they “must consider the reputation and E-A-T of both the website and the creators of the MC in order to assign a Page Quality rating”. Protect the reputation of your creators and your site by ensuring that these best practices are employed in every video you publish.
4. Audio content types

The explosion in popularity of voice search and content formats such as podcasts and internet radio has made audio content a key component in the marketing mix. in optimizing audio content for voice search, you want to make sure you’re using structured data, concise headlines, and descriptions that help people understand what the content is about. Google’s main concerns about voice search as far as search quality goes have to do with mobile-friendliness. When a person uses their mobile phone for a voice query, for example, it’s not a good user experience if the page they are delivered to isn’t optimized for mobile.

For audio content such as podcasts, the content you create around the episode is key. In fact, you should be considering SEO implications even as you choose your topics and structure your shows, to ensure you’re talking about things people are actually looking to hear about. Optimize your podcast title and description in the same way you do other web content, around a focused keyword. Write a blog post that helps people understand what the episode is about and share a transcript, if possible.
5. Interactive content types

Webinars, virtual events, online courses, and other similar interactive content, when put together well, offer great value for participants and therefore can be considered quality content by Google. We’re about to see an explosion in their popularity, given the potential long-term implications of the coronavirus pandemic, too.

You can improve the SEO strength of your interactive content and virtual events by creating and optimizing supportive content for each channel in which you’ll promote the event. Create graphics to promote the speakers. Shoot a quick explainer video that tells people what they’ll learn or experience if they participate.

And don’t just hold the event and forget it about it—share the recording, write a wrap-up blog post, create an infographic with the top takeaways, create an ebook, and more. Ask participants to share their best photos and feedback and share them on a dedicated page on your site.
The best content isn’t just optimized for search—it starts with search

Optimizing for search isn’t an activity you tack onto the end of the writing process or something you do to an image before publishing. How and where your audience will discover and engage with your different types of content needs to be a key consideration from the very earliest planning stages of your content strategy.

Redesigning the website? Ask how SEO needs to be involved. Writing content? Consider how it can be optimized to fit the SEO strategy. Launching a new product? Involve SEO sooner in the planning. SEO needs to be ingrained throughout every aspect of the business right now, from the very initial planning stages of any project or initiative.

As you become more intentional in strategic content planning, your data will show you which content formats work best at each stage of your unique funnel. Work on developing these measurement and attribution systems, if you do not already have them in place. They will drive your content creation, optimization, and amplification strategy across all channels throughout your COVID-19 recovery and beyond.

Jim Yu is the founder and CEO of leading enterprise SEO and content performance platform BrightEdge. He can be found on Twitter .

A beginner’s guide to digital marketing in 2020

A beginner’s guide to digital marketing in 2020

It goes without saying that the number of people using the internet is an all-time high in 2020. And with this, people are making more informed decisions about their purchase. Wouldn't you want this statistic to reflect on your sales? Since the beginning, marketing has always been about engaging with your audience in the right place. Today, the right place is where they spend most of their time: on the internet.

How? Simple, Digital Marketing.

What is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the advertising of a business, a product, or a service using online channels. It targets a specific set of audience according to a business's needs and demands. In these times, it is on the upswing. You can use multiple channels to create brand awareness and generate more leads.

Digital Marketing Channels
SEO- Optimize your content according to the dynamic search engine algorithms and attain more visibility in front of your target audience.
Content Marketing- It involves creating valuable and relevant blogs, videos, podcasts, etc. to drive profitable customer action.
PPC- display ads to a particular audience. You pay only when your ad gets clicked. It is the most profitable channel if you're looking to achieve high ROI.
Social Media Marketing- It gets your brand in front of people more easily and quickly, even when they are not looking for it.

Other popular Marketing Channels are:
Email Marketing
Paid Reach
Sponsored Content
Affiliate Marketing
Native Advertising

Advantages Of Digital Marketing
A well-targeted digital marketing campaign helps you reach your target audience without burning a hole in your pocket.
Contrary to traditional marketing, you can immediately evaluate how well your campaign is performing. You can track metrics, gauge results, and can increase or decrease your budget in those activities.
You can use social media platforms to build your company's brand and reputation

What Type Of Digital Content Should You Create

Create content that meets your sales goals and solves your customers' problems through their buying journey. When it comes to content, there are different collaterals you can try while keeping in mind in which stage they are in the buyer's journey.
Short Videos

Does Digital Marketing Work For All Businesses?

It surely does.

Digital Marketing works for all businesses under the sun. Regardless of what your company sells, digital marketing caters to your audience's needs by helping you add value to your client's creating valuable content. However, there is no one-size-fits-all.

If your company is business-to-business (B2B), your ultimate solution here goal here should be to generate high-quality salesperson leads through your website or LinkedIn.

While speaking of the business-to-consumer (B2C) approach, your company's focus should be more on converting your website's footfall into buyers. All you have to do is bring in the right deal with the right message to the right customer, and the rest shall fall in place on its own.

How Do You Get Started

Getting started with Digital Marketing isn't rocket science. All you need to do is to analyze industry best practices for running a successful digital marketing campaign. Before diving into the world of digital marketing, find answers to a few questions regarding your target audience, your sales anticipation, and your investment willingness.


Digital Marketing is the present and the future of the marketing world. You cannot master the art of digital marketing overnight. Layout your strategy piece by piece and look for what works and what does not.

If this article has convinced you that your company needs digital marketing or you wish to know more about it in detail, reach out to us (link) or write back in the comment section. We believe that your business can grow with digital marketing.

SEO Mistakes Why 91% Of The Content Gets No Organic Traffic

SEO Mistakes Why 91% Of The Content Gets No Organic Traffic

SEO Mistakes why 91% of the content gets no organic traffic - BingNewsSEO Mistakes why 91% of the content gets no organic trafficSEO Tactics for the Do-It-Yourself Entrepreneur4 Key SEO Considerations When Rebranding & Changing DomainsHow to Identify the Best Long-Tail Keywords5 Tips to Build a Strong SEO Program During COVID-19SEO: Crawling and Robots5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Brand Awareness14 marketing challenges, and how to overcome themHow Ecommerce Stores Can Care About Their Customers During the COVID-19 CrisisGoogle: SEOHow to Start a Cleaning Business

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By accessing this web page or using these results in any manner whatsoever, you agree to be bound by the foregoing restrictions.Http://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.Business.Com%2farticles%2fseo-tactics-for-the-diy-entrepreneur%2f&c=12301954402111166137&mkt=en-usYou can have the best products, latest widget and a gorgeous professionally designed site, but with no ... Mistakes I was making, changes I should make and/or opportunities I should focus on. Don't ...Wed, 20 May 2020 07:38:00 GMTBusiness.Comhttp://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.Searchenginejournal.Com%2fseo-rebranding-changing-domains%2f369782%2f&c=10395070691077786739&mkt=en-usWhen performing any type of migration, changes to URL structures and content ... Mistakes I’ve come across when companies go through a rebrand and domain name change is that they look at traffic ...Wed, 03 Jun 2020 06:16:00 GMTSearch Engine Journalhttp://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.Entrepreneur.Com%2farticle%2f349968&c=1940025145588765625&mkt=en-usLooking for a way to pump up your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), bring in more search traffic and increase your conversions? If so, you’ll want to learn more about long-tail keywords.Thu, 11 Jun 2020 09:45:00 GMTEntrepreneurhttp://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.Business2community.Com%2fseo%2f5-tips-to-build-a-strong-seo-program-during-covid-19-02310010&c=3495699112294050138&mkt=en-usPlace the content in a smart way and keep posting at regular intervals. The key to digital marketing and SEO is consistency. It is impossible to get results ... This is why the brands need to ...Wed, 13 May 2020 06:18:00 GMTBusiness 2 Communityhttp://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fsearchengineland.Com%2flibrary%2fsearch-engine-optimization%2fseo-blocking-spiders&c=3272931138177491400&mkt=en-usSign up for our daily recaps of the ever-changing search marketing landscape. See terms. And, why JavaScript may not be the real cause of your crawling... Google’s ...Mon, 11 May 2020 12:33:00 GMTSearch Engine Landhttp://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.Business2community.Com%2fdigital-marketing%2f5-digital-marketing-strategies-to-boost-brand-awareness-02311249&c=12963222009622103488&mkt=en-usThis is why leveraging influencers is one of the most cost-effective ways to boost brand awareness. Content is the king and there is no doubt ... 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While providing exemplary ...Mon, 18 May 2020 04:05:00 GMTSearch Engine Journalhttp://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fsearchengineland.Com%2flibrary%2fgoogle%2fgoogle-seo&c=16238052007118866508&mkt=en-usAnd, why JavaScript may not be the real cause of your crawling... Google’s Martin Splitt discusses the effort behind making Googlebot ‘evergreen’ in this clip from Live with Search Engine ...Wed, 19 Feb 2020 16:19:00 GMTSearch Engine Landhttp://www.Bing.Com/news/apiclick.Aspx?Ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5CD843CD4021484CA106729D97BB3F20&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.Powerhomebiz.Com%2fbusiness-ideas%2fhow-to-start-a-cleaning-business.Htm&c=10522186314109672918&mkt=en-usThe cleaning business is one of the most competitive industries that you can get into. However, the barrier to entry is one of the smallest of all markets and there are little to no costs involved ...Thu, 14 May 2020 06:55:00 GMTWork at Home

With Google's Updates Come Impacts: How To Maintain Your Website's Performance

With Google's Updates Come Impacts: How To Maintain Your Website's Performance

Amine is a tech entrepreneur and writer. He is currently the CMO at Regal Assets and CEO at IronMonk Solutions.


Website traffic naturally ebbs and flows. If you’re a webmaster or website owner, chances are you’ve noticed a general range within which your web traffic varies on any given day. However, if you’ve spotted a lasting decline in your website’s traffic across consecutive days or weeks, then you might have a problem on your hands.

On May 4, 2020, Google rolled out a new core update to its search algorithm. Since then, I’ve heard from many webmasters who have found their traffic declining as higher authority domains have usurped the top positions on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to remedy the situation and boost your number of daily unique visitors back into or above the normal range. I’ve spent nearly a decade helping small businesses and large enterprises alike rebound their traffic figures after Google updates by following these steps.

Undo Over-Optimization

I’ve found that the introduction of this recent core update has resulted in larger brands and high domain authority websites taking the place of smaller sites that were “over-optimized.” In other words, websites that utilize high keyword ratios (i.E., keyword stuffing) to rank.

To put your web properties back in Google’s good graces, consider editing your existing content so that your rankable keywords aren’t used more than 10 times per 1,000 words at the absolute maximum. Instead, edit your content so that it reads more naturally and focuses on providing value and originality rather than pure on-page optimization.

Check For New Google Penalties

If your website has taken a hit in traffic, your first step is to diagnose the cause. Making a causal determination can be difficult, if not impossible, but often Google penalties are the culprit.

Google penalties are adjustments to Google’s algorithm that negatively affect a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance. Such penalties are given out as a punishment when a website owner utilizes black hat SEO techniques that violate Google’s rules. Common culprits behind Google penalties include:

• Duplicated blog content.

• Use of paid guest posting or private blog networks (PBNs).

• Invisible text.

• Internal 404 errors.

• Excessive link swapping.

To check if you’ve received a Google penalty, sign into the Google Search Console, and read your notifications. Alternatively, you could use free tools that track organic traffic over time, such as this one. If your Google penalty audit comes back positive, you must switch your SEO strategy and edit your content so that your website is compliant with Google’s rules.

Run A Backlink Audit

There are two driving forces behind SEO rankings: the quality of the content (i.E., on-page SEO) and the number and quality of backlinks that refer to your content (i.E., off-page SEO).

Since the quality of your content probably hasn’t changed (unless you’ve recently edited your content), it’s more likely that your backlink profile has been altered. Luckily, there are handy tools with free trial options that allow you to run a backlink audit in only a few minutes, such as SEMrush and Ahrefs.

If these SEO tools notice a drop in the number of referring domains that correspond with your drop in traffic over time, then you may have found the culprit. If you’re aware of which links you may have lost, contact the webmaster of the referring website, and ask them if there’s anything you can do to reinstate the link. Otherwise, you’ll have to start link building from scratch.

Analyze The Competition

Unfortunately, SEO is a zero-sum game, which means if somebody is losing, another is winning. Open your web browser in “incognito” mode, and search for your website using the keywords it traditionally ranks for. Notice how well your competition is doing in relation to yours. If your website’s ranking has recently slid, it’s likely because your competition is simply employing better SEO strategies.

If this is the case, check out their website, and see what they’re doing differently. If their blog activity has recently spiked, you may have to increase your content writing operations to compete with their heightened output. If you don’t have the in-house resources, outsourcing this work can help you match your competitors’ SEO operations and get you ranking at the top again.

Assess Your User Experience (UX)

Google is constantly refining its PageRank algorithm to penalize websites that offer poor UX and reward websites with simple, user-friendly interfaces. If you’ve recently made changes to your website’s front end, check to see if they coincide with your traffic drop. Some of the most common culprits behind UX-based Google penalties include:

• The use of intrusive interstitials (i.E., pop-up ads).

• Slow browser loading times due to large image file sizes.

• The use of multiple landing pages.

• Too many outbound links.

• Poor mobile device optimization.

• Content theft from competitors’ websites.

If your website has received a penalty for a UX/UI (user interface) violation, the good news is that there’s a simple fix: Revert your website back to its old layout prior to the update.

Content Inactivity

Google’s PageRank algorithm favors new, original content. If your website’s blog hasn’t been active in months, Google may now be prioritizing other, newer blog posts and videos. To keep your website competitive, ensure that you’re posting content regularly — ideally, no less than once per week. This can take the form of blog posts, infographics or videos.

Keep Your Website Clean, Active And Vigilant

To keep your website ranking high on SERPs, it’s crucial that you habitually audit your website for broken links, over-optimization, black hat Google penalties, inactive content publishing and on-page elements that make the user experience worse for your visitors. This is especially true in light of Google’s May 2020 core updates, which have reversed the fortunes of many small websites that used to rank for high-traffic keywords.

If you can keep these aspects of your website in check, you can start rebuilding your website’s SEO performance and, in time, retake your position at the top of SERPs.

Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?

How To Win At SEO With FAQ Schema Markup

30-second summary:
According to Neil Patel, less than one percent of businesses take advantage of FAQ schema markups.
There are several benefits schema markups provide to your overall SEO rankings.
Implemented correctly, the FAQ schema markup can get your site into the featured snippets section of Google’s first page.
Google has outlined which pages are eligible and which are prohibited from showing up as featured snippets in Google.
FAQ schema markup added to quality, in-depth content can help to quickly improve your SEO score.
Co-founder of Ally digital media, Abhishek Shah guides you through the process of setting up and implementing the FAQ schema markup to help improve your SEO.

By implementing schema markup for your FAQ page, you can improve your website’s visibility as well as increase your website’s authority.

Very few websites seem to be taking advantage of this easy, yet incredibly, effective SEO hack. According to Neil Patel, less than 1% of businesses online seem to be implementing this. So, now’s the time to get on board and ensure the schema markup is set up on your FAQ page.

But first, let’s look at exactly what it is, and why it will improve your SEO.

What is FAQ schema markup?

Schema markup is a powerful yet underused piece of code for SEO to help increase your website’s presence in the SERPs.

This piece of code is placed on your website to help Google, and other search engines, to return better results for consumers.

Search engines crawl your site, it gets indexed, and then when someone makes a relevant search your content may show up. What schema markup does is provides context to the content.

Essentially, it removes some of the guessing search engines do when they crawl your site. A markup is able to provide context by telling the search engines what the content means.

Schema.Org explains it this way

“Most webmasters are familiar with HTML tags on their pages. Usually, HTML tags tell the browser how to display the information included in the tag. For example, <h1>Avatar</h1> tells the browser to display the text string “Avatar” in a heading 1 format. However, the HTML tag doesn’t give any information about what that text string means — “Avatar” could refer to the hugely successful 3D movie, or it could refer to a type of profile picture—and this can make it more difficult for search engines to intelligently display relevant content to a user.”

This is why the context provided by adding schema markup to your FAQ page, can help increase your presence in the search results.

How an FAQ schema markup can help you win at SEO?

Having your FAQs in the featured snippets on Google can generate a huge lift in organic traffic. By adding the schema markup, you improve your chances of this happening.

An important metric in SEO is CTR (click-through-rate). This is measured by the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions a result gets. For example, if you had 50 clicks and 800 impressions, your CTR would be 6.25%.

If you can increase your CTR, it shows search engines that the page is relevant for that search term and it can help your website’s overall search ranking.

Here’s one such example of Nested bean’s learn page that talks about sleep regression, implementation of FAQ schema helped them in doubling the CTR from 6.5% to 14%.

Source: Google Search Console

By using an FAQ schema markup, you are increasing your website’s visibility by showing up for a wider variety of keywords. Which means more traffic to be potentially turned into paying customers.

How to implement FAQ Schema?

The FAQ schema can be implemented in one of two ways: Microdata or JSON-LD. Whichever one you choose we strongly recommend you stick to that one. It’s not a good idea to mix them on a webpage.

1. Microdata

This is the more complex of the two options. To implement schema markup with Microdata involves coding elements into your website. If you don’t have a web developer in your team this can be a rather tedious and challenging process where the code is added to the body section of your page.

Here’s a microdata example for the FAQ page schema

<html itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.Org/FAQPage”>


<title>Search Engine Marketing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Search Engine Watch</title>



<div itemscope itemprop=”mainEntity” itemtype=”https://schema.Org/Question”>

<h3 itemprop=”name”>What is search engine marketing?</h3>

<div itemscope itemprop=”acceptedAnswer” itemtype=”https://schema.Org/Answer”>

<div itemprop=”text”>

<p>Search Engine Marketing helps put get your website onto page one of search engines when someone searches for something related to your industry.</p>







Google recommends JSON-LD as “Google can read JSON-LD data when it’s dynamically injected into the page’s contents, such as by JavaScript code or embedded widgets in your content management system.” JSON-LD is certainly the easier of the two options, as this code is added to the header section of a page.

Here’s a JSON-LD example for the FAQ page schema



<title>Search Engine Marketing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Search Engine Watch</title>



<script type=”application/ld+json”>


“@context”: “https://schema.Org”,

“@type”: “FAQPage”,

“mainEntity”: [


“@type”: “Question”,

“name”: “What is Search Engine Marketing”,

“acceptedAnswer”: {

“@type”: “Answer”,

“text”:”Search Engine Marketing helps put get your website onto page one of search engines when someone searches for something related to your industry.”}






You can either write the code out from scratch, or you can copy the above code and use it as a template. Just be sure to remember to change out the content for your own.

The outcome will look like this:

Source: Google

How to validate FAQ schema implementation?

Validating your FAQ schema implementation is a simple three-step process.

1. Test

To ensure you have implemented the code correctly on your page, you should use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. You can add your code snippet here, or the page URL and the testing tool will let you know if you’ve done it correctly or not. There is the added bonus that it will also provide any necessary feedback.

2. Preview with Google’s Rich Result Tester

This tester will not only let you know if your page is eligible for rich results, but it will also show how the data will look in the SERPs.

3. Recrawl the page

Once the code is added, and you have run the tests and the page is good to go there is one final step – requesting Google to re-index the page.

To do this, you will need to log into Google Search Console and enter the modified URL in the top search bar and hit enter. Then you will want to select the option to request indexing.

In some cases, you can see the effects kick in pretty quickly. Well, pretty quickly for search engines. If you’ve done this for a page that’s already ranking on page one, you should see the results update on the SERPS inside of 20 minutes.

Which pages can the schema markup be applied to?

When considering adding the FAQ schema markup, it’s important to understand Google’s content guidelines. The first and most obvious guideline is that the page must have a list of questions with their answers attached.

If your page has questions that users can submit their answers to, you want to use a different type of markup. Instead of using FAQPage, you would want to use QAPage: which is a different type of schema markup.

Some valid uses of the FAQ schema markup are:
A page of FAQs written on the website. These pages have no way for users to submit alternative answers.
Product support pages which list FAQs, that also have no way for users to submit different answers.

Some invalid uses of the FAQ schema markup are:
Product support pages where users are able to submit their own answers to questions.
Product pages that allow users to submit many questions and answers on a single page.
Forum pages where users are able to answer questions themselves.

You want to use the FAQ Schema markup for pages that are not time-sensitive. Also, Google’s guidelines strictly stipulate that you cannot use the FAQPage schema markup for advertising reasons.

Other times when question and answer content won’t be displayed include if the following types of content are on the page:
Graphically violent
Sexually explicit
Illegal activities

And finally, it is necessary for the FAQ content to be visible to the user on the FAQ page. All this means is you don’t want the content hidden from the user, or for the page to have a brief summary that links off to another page.

What to include in the FAQ content on your page?

The FAQ schema markup code is quite easy to implement as we’ve shown above. Keep in mind, your FAQ content needs to meet all the usual SEO factors to work in concert with the schema markup.

This includes aspects such as:
How relevant the content is to the topic
The page layout
How easy it is to read the content

When you hear the phrase “readability”, it’s referring to a few things. The first is how easy is it to read? That is, are you varying your sentence lengths and using short paragraphs?

The second is the font choice, as well as its color and size. When it comes to writing for an audience you want an easy font to read that’s a good size and color that doesn’t cause readers to strain their eyes.

And finally, are you saying something? The best ranking FAQs are the ones that provide in-depth, useful answers. In-depth doesn’t always mean lots of words. If you can successfully (and meaningfully) answer a question in 50 words, that’s fine.

It’s not about how many words you can write, it’s about how well you can answer a question and provide value.

The advantage of good SEO-driven content with the right schema markup

By creating informative, well-written content that provides value to your website’s users, and then adding the correct schema markup, you can get yourself on page one of Google. And the more content you get on page one, the more traffic you drive to your site.

The benefit of more traffic to your site is an increase in sales and subscriptions.

Win at SEO with FAQ schema

If you want to give your website “the competitive advantage”, all you have to do is follow these simple steps. We recommend starting off with pages that are already ranking well to help get them either onto page one or to increase their real estate on page one.

Good SEO has a snowball effect. The more content that drives quality traffic to your site, the better your overall SEO score. That is why it’s so important to boost your content efforts with schema markups.

If you would like to know more about FAQ schema markup, just hit the comment button.

Abhishek Shah is the co-founder of Ally Digital Media, a leading voice in digital media and marketing. He advocates for evidence-based marketing strategies to fuel the businesses. He can be found on Twitter @abiishek.

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The Growth Of Media Publishers Using Affiliate Marketing – What You Need To Know

The Growth Of Media Publishers Using Affiliate Marketing – What You Need To Know

As many of us performance marketers will know, the growth of media publishers through affiliate marketing has been a much-discussed topic for the last few years. But precisely how can brands engage with media publishers, both large and small, that use affiliate marketing?

Looking at publishers such as Buzzfeed may lead affiliate marketers to believe Amazon dominates this content space. However, this does not mean Buzzfeed are not open to working with specific brands; H&M and Feel Unique have also benefited from their editorials. Brands who fall under the categories of fashion, beauty, household and even niche sites such as Wickeduncle and Prezzybox can benefit from their ability to highlight certain products with an innate credibility and longevity that cannot be matched.

Engaging with media publishers, large and small

Larger media sources such as Marie Claire and Hearst Magazine Group also work within the affiliate space, this is important to evaluate as part of any affiliate strategy as they have specific demographics which can be accessed via multiple mediums on a CPA model. Due to their size and scale, they are a very efficient way to promote content whilst also driving sales. It is possible to access their user-bases via their content-rich websites, newsletters and their social media outlets on a risk-free model encouraging both the brand and the media outlet to maximise ROI in a way that has never been possible before. Due to their level of brand recognition, the conversion rates are higher and the consumers are more trusting, for example Good Housekeeping can also provide their seal of approval to products.

Using this to amplify any affiliate strategy will increase conversion rates significantly. Engagement, which is naturally hard to measure within affiliate tracking systems, is also a significant KPI. The life-time value is a key consideration when evaluating any campaign’s success with media publishers.

Don’t discount smaller media publishers which may usually be considered as content publishers as there is very little difference between media and content publishers once they get large enough. Getting in early will make all the difference when negotiating commissions and building up the relationship. These publishers work very well for specific audience targeting and have an engaged and high-quality user-base such as with Weather2Travel.Com.

How brands can make the most of affiliate marketing

When working with media publishers, it is important to identify all those who work on an affiliate model and precisely how they go about doing this. Larger editorial sites will usually work directly with brands and sign-up to their affiliate tracking network. Some media publishers, however, have plugged in solutions such as Daily Mail’s solution with Global Savings Group.

Incentives are also an important consideration, does the publisher have any minimum commissions or do they only promote best-in-market offers. Ensure incentives align with the overall objective and have a profitable ROI.

A clear objective is essential

Finally, as with any affiliate strategy, it is important to have a clear objective – such as obtaining new customers or driving sales of a specific category or product. It is essential that this objective is shared and agreed on with the publisher with measurable KPIs will ensure the best outcome is achieved. This, along with the points above, are all vitally important to consider to ensure your brand is making the most out of affiliate marketing.

A 2020 Guide To Business Opp Affiliate Marketing

A 2020 guide to Business Opp Affiliate Marketing

Companies / SME Jun 11, 2020 - 12:38 PM GMT

By: Submissions

There are lots of different ways that you can make money by using the internet to your advantage. You can probably guess that by yourself- the internet is absolutely huge in size and that therefore means there are a vast number of opportunities out there for you to exploit. This means that you can have a good think about what interests you and what kinds of things you’re good at doing when you’re online. When it comes to making money, it’s all about playing to your strengths. That’s what will get you the best outcome, so before you read on sit and reflect on what you think are the best ways to reach your potential.

One thing you could have a think about doing is getting involved in affiliate marketing. You might have heard of this already, or you might not have. It doesn’t really matter that much, because even if you have heard about it you probably don’t actually know how it works. You won’t know all the ins and outs, and most importantly you won’t know how to make a good amount of money from it yet. It can be tricky to master, and that’s why you don’t hear about an unreal number of people taking part in it. You can, however, master it and it could set you on the path to making a good amount of money. So what are the kinds of things you need to know? Here’s your 2020 guide to affiliate marketing.

Sign up for an affiliate marketing course

As I already mentioned above, you probably don’t actually know what affiliate marketing is. The idea behind it is pretty simple- in essence, a company or website will hire one or more affiliate companies (this could be you). These affiliate companies will include links to the parent company website on their own site, and every time the links are clicked on the affiliate company will earn some money. This is a method used to generate more website visitors, and it tends to be pretty effective when it’s used correctly. However, that’s just it; you need to know how the whole system works.

For that reason, I believe that signing up for a marketing course could be a good option for you. There are some top affiliate marketing courses out there, and if you choose the right one it could set you on the path to making serious money. These courses tend to cost a fair bit of money, which could put you off. However, that’s because they have the potential to teach you how to make even more. If you study properly and learn all the ins and outs of affiliate marketing, this original fee will seem tiny. You’ll be taught by the proper experts out there, so definitely give it some consideration.

There are a wide variety of courses out there that you could have a think about joining up with, so make sure you look into them before you actually join one. You don’t, for instance, want to spend too much money. This will frustrate you if you find out at a later date that there was a cheaper course available to you that would have trained you up just as well. You don’t want to invest too little, though, as you might not get all the knowledge you need to be successful. That’s why research is so important. You need to look at a few different marketing courses to figure out what ones are best for you. Read about the teachers, the prices, and the content that will be provided- this will give you the best chance of being successful.

Start small with your affiliate contacts

It doesn’t matter what side of the affiliate relationship you are on- it’s always important to start small in the beginning. The last thing you want to do is put too many eggs in one basket at an early stage and end up losing out on a lot of money or business. If, for example, you are an affiliate company trying to make some money, you shouldn’t simply choose one website and hinge all your hopes on it. What if that website fails, for instance? Or what if they don’t get enough visits and are therefore unable to pay you? That’s why choosing a sensible batch of companies to work for is sensible- you should hopefully guarantee a good flow of income.

If you are on the other side of the relationship, you should be careful about who you hire to be your affiliate companies. Make sure they have a good reliable platform to display your links on. You should also make sure that are respectable companies or individuals- you don’t want your links being displayed on a website with a bad reputation, for example. It’s all about ensuring you maintain a good image to try and attract as many website visitors as possible, because that’s what the internet is all about, after all. If you don’t hire companies who will get you, visitors, then there’s no point in hiring them in the first place.

Build up your contact list

When it comes to gaining exposure and making money with affiliate marketing on the internet, a lot of it is about who you know as well as what you know. If you aren’t able to build up a good contact list, your opportunities will be more limited. If, on the other hand, you get to know some big names or important people in the industry then they might be able to set you up well for the future. Trying to do things on your own is admirable and if you find the success that way, then fair play to you. However, getting your name out there through others is never a bad thing. More people will see either your website or your company, and it’ll give you a much better chance of finding contacts. You will, therefore, be much more likely to make some profits and that is presumably why you’re in this business in the first place.

By Helen Bell

© 2020 Copyright Helen Bell - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

© 2005-2019 http://www.MarketOracle.Co.Uk - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.

This 7-Course Bundle Shows You How To Build A Successful Side-Hustle

With the economy in a tight spot right now, many of us are looking for ways to earn a few extra bucks. If you're not sure where to start, give The Complete Side Hustle Hacker Bundle a look. This training is packed with ideas and knowledge, helping you build a small business from the ground up. Right now, you can pick up the training for just $29.99.

While many physical stores have been shut, online commerce has been booming. This quarter, digital retailers in the US and Canada have seen a 129% year-over-year growth. If you want to join the party, this bundle can definitely help.

The training focuses on side hustles you can start with limited resources, and potentially run from home. For instance, you discover how to source goods for sale on Alibaba and turn a profit on Amazon. Other tracks look at how you can make money from coaching, and rake in cash from affiliate marketing. The bundle even includes a guide on starting your own web design agency.

The bundle offers 16 hours of content in total, and the courses have great ratings from over 25,000 reviewers. With lifetime access included, you can refer to the training over and over again.

These courses are worth $1,393 in total, but you can currently grab the bundle for just $29.99.

The Complete Side Hustle Hacker Bundle – $29.99

See Deal

Prices subject to change

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How To Use Local SEO To Impress The Algorithms And Get Your Site Ranking

How To Use Local SEO To Impress The Algorithms And Get Your Site Ranking

When most business owners think of SEO, they think of optimising their website for the keywords that they are targeting.

However, they often overlook local SEO; the process of targeting keywords related to your local area to boost your affiliation with your region.

So, when internet users are searching for terms like ‘car washing in Greenwich,’ search engines will find them the businesses in their local area.

Nobody wants to travel hundreds of miles just to wash their car, which is why search engines try to find them the best local businesses. Even companies that offer remote services to a national, or even international, clientele can benefit from local SEO.

That’s because some potential customers will still search for local companies, even if they know that they can get these services from anywhere. They like to work with companies in their local area, so you’ll be able to get yourself to the top of their searches if you target local SEO.

Google, the largest search engine on the market, is dedicated to finding the most relevant answers to any given search. Most of the other search engines on the market are similarly committed to finding websites and content that meets the needs of users. That’s why their algorithms revolve around finding out the intention of each search and selecting webpages that meet these requirements.

If your website is optimized to show that it is linked to a specific area, then search engines will offer your site as an answer to queries related to local companies. If you only target topic-specific keywords, without any mention of your location, then you could miss out on local search results, and by extension, a lot of website visits.

That being said, the opposite is not true, and local SEO can boost your overall rankings. That’s because local SEO invariably involves your target keywords combined with the name of the town, city or village that you’re based in. As such, you can expand your rankings for your target keywords at the same time as growing your local SEO.

In all, it’s a win-win situation!

If you’re keen to integrate local SEO into your online strategy, then read on to find a selection of practical tips.

Learn How Users Are Searching For Local Businesses In Your Niche

If you’ve already got a strong SEO strategy in place, then you’ll know the keywords that you need to be targeting to reach the results pages for searches relevant to your business.

Local SEO runs on a similar principle, but that doesn’t mean that you can just stick the name of the town or village your business is based in onto the end of your target keywords.

Instead, you need to find out how users are searching for local businesses and then incorporate these writing techniques into your website content. The easiest way to do this is to for the name of your business market, then put ‘in’ followed by the area you live, at the end.

Check out the ‘Searches related to’ section at the bottom of the results page, as well as the ‘People also ask’ results, so you can find out what questions your website needs to answer and the related keywords you need to use.

You can also use established SEO tools, such as Ahrefs or SEMrush, if you have access to them, to find the related searches that you should be targeting.

Once you have a list of queries that your website needs to be answering and the related keywords that its content needs to include, you can adapt your writing accordingly. Re-write your homepage content, as well as any relevant auxiliary pages, to include these terms and answer the questions that are being asked.

Include Local SEO In Your Content Marketing Strategy

It’s not enough to only optimise your homepage and service pages for local SEO; you also need to make sure the technique is included in your content marketing strategy.

As such, any blog posts, research guides and whitepapers you write and publish, on your website or another, need to include elements of your local SEO strategy.

That might mean including your region alongside your company name, or it might involve trying to create blog posts that reference your local area. You could also write content that answers the questions being asked by local searchers to ensure that you create completely relevant and insightful articles.

You also need to include elements of local SEO on your social media pages; primarily, you’ll need to host your contact details, including your address. You can also add your social media pages to most business listings, which I’ll talk about later.

By constantly considering local SEO, and not treating it as an afterthought, you can ensure that it really makes an impact on your website and helps it to reach the top of relevant local searches.

Take Advantage Of The Local Business Listings Offered By Search Engines

Most major search engines offer local businesses free listings, from which they pull details such as contact information and map listings. These free listings can make a huge difference to your website’s local reach, so it’s crucial that you make full use of them.

Google, which, as I’ve already mentioned is the world’s biggest search engine, offers the Google My Business Account, on which you can list contact details, a link to your website, basic information and more.

It also allows users to review your business so that you can get additional exposure. However, you do need to manage your reviews to ensure that they remain a true reflection of your business and don’t get polluted with fake reviews and nasty comments.

Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, and one of the other top services, which, while still well below Google, is still an important part of the market, also offers a local business listing.

It’s called Bing Places for Business, and it works in a similar way to Google’s business listings. You can add business details, contact info and social media/ website links so that you can grow your business reach on this search engine.

Yahoo!, a search engine powered by Bing, also allows you to list your business and add details. Some other search engines do too, so work out which ones you’re targeting and then find out more about how you can optimize your content for them and take advantage of any local business listings they might offer.

Taking advantage of these listings is an easy, free way to boost your local SEO and enhance your business’s online reach. There’s literally no reason not to use them, and if you don’t take control of them yourself, then they might still exist, because customers might be mentioning your business online. If you’re not using it to its full advantage, then the listing won’t benefit your business and help you to grow your local and overall SEO.

Make Sure Your Website Is Suitable For Mobile Use

While it’s vital that your website looks good on a desktop computer, now more than ever it is crucial that it also works well on a mobile device.

That’s because there are 4 billion active mobile internet users worldwide, and smartphones are more popular now than ever before. Therefore, you need to make sure that you’re not missing out on this vast audience.

Many smartphone users turn to their phones to find the local businesses that they want to visit, with research showing that 82% of smartphone shoppers conduct ‘near me’ searches and that these local searches lead 50% of mobile users to visit stores within one day.

As a result, optimizing your website for mobile use is an essential part of any local SEO strategy. The first step is to test if your website works on mobile devices by using the Mobile-Friendly Test Tool from Google.

If you find that your website isn’t optimized for mobile use, then you need to work with your website development team to improve it and get it working on smartphones.

With a mobile-friendly website, you’ll be able to grow your local SEO reach and enjoy the benefit of an even wider audience for your content.

Optimise Your Website For Voice Search

Thanks to the rise of digital assistants such as Siri, Alexa, Bixby and more, voice search is a booming trend in the search engine market.

It’s estimated that as many as 58% of online adults have used voice search at some point, which means that you need to make sure that your content is optimized for this blossoming technique.

When you consider the fact that 46% of voice search users search for a local business on a daily basis, you’ll see why this is such an important part of your local SEO strategy.

Improving your website and making it voice-search-friendly means using natural language and working out how users will speak their queries.

This is because most voice searches are done in natural language; Google reports that almost 70% of the voice searches made on its Google assistant are made in natural language.

Do your research and work out how users will try to find businesses in your industry using voice search and then incorporate these phrases and queries into your writing.

Optimizing your content for voice search as well as mobile, SEO, local SEO and more, might seem like a lot of hard work. Still, the reward is being visible on all relevant platforms and getting your company under the noses of relevant individuals.

Stay Up To Date With The Latest Search Engine Updates

Search engines are constantly evolving and updating their algorithms, as well as developing their interfaces to serve their users better.

It’s crucial that you stay on top of the changes in the market if you want to keep your website ranking for your target keywords and grow its local SEO. These developments could have a serious impact on the strategies you use, so you need to stay updated.

To do this, you have to constantly explore the ways you can improve your website to help it reach the first page, above the fold search result placements you covet.

The best way to stay up to date with the latest updates from Google and other major search engines is to follow them on social media and sign up for their newsletters. Follow their blogs using a newsfeed optimization tool like Feedly to see the latest posts on new developments.

If you don’t want to clutter up your inbox and read through hundreds of social media posts every day, then try following a selection of regularly-updated SEO blogs. Check out the TechWyse ‘Rise To The Top’ Blog and other popular marketing blogs to keep on top of the latest updates.

These blogs will offer you a general overview of the updates and how they might affect your website. If you’re an SEO expert or marketing manager who wants to understand how you can use these developments to your advantage, then UK Linkology’s blog shares expert advice on the practical implications of these algorithmic updates.

By staying up to date with the latest search engine developments, you’ll be able to adapt around them quickly and ensure that you achieve the rankings you want and maintain them.

No website is ever guaranteed to stay at the top of search engine results pages, and without constant vigilance and updates, your site could easily fall to the bottom again. Keep on top of the newest developments in the SEO, local SEO, and digital marketing spaces to ensure that your website is always at the forefront of any relevant search.


Growing your online reach and achieving the search engine rankings that you want takes time, effort and determination. You can’t just create a great website and then leave it. SEO is an ongoing process, but if you work hard, then your investment will pay off.

I hope these tips help you to understand why local SEO is important and how you can use it to your advantage.

Post By Hannah Stevenson (1 Posts)

Hannah Stevenson is the Content Marketing Manager at UK Linkology, the UK’s highest-ranking link building agency. A former journalist, blogger and copywriter, she has extensive experience in content creation and SEO. She enjoys writing articles about SEO and the latest developments in this constantly evolving market.

Website: →

4 Takeaways From Top Rank On ESPN Card

A month after mixed martial arts dove back into the live sports pool, boxing dipped its toe.

Bob Arum's Top Rank became the first promotional company to produce a significant domestic fight card in the United States on Tuesday night, returning to ESPN airwaves with a five-bout show featuring a non-title fight involving featherweight title claimant and former Olympian Shakur Stevenson.

The show was broadcast from the conference center at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, with no fans.

Viewers were encouraged to visit ESPN.Hearmecheer.Com and record themselves for use as crowd noise.

The UFC produced three no-fan shows in Jacksonville, Florida before moving to Las Vegas for one show late in May and a pay-per-view production this past weekend. Its shows featured three announcers calling each fight while stationed at separate tables and included post-fight interviews from a remote room.

By contrast, Top Rank's disjointed broadcast included a four-man team with none on site.

Blow-by-blow man Joe Tessitore spoke from an ESPN studio in Bristol, Connecticut, while analysts Andre Ward, Timothy Bradley and Mark Kriegel were in their respective homes in California.

Not surprisingly, it looked and sounded like a first-time operation, with several gaps where no one was speaking, several instances where all tried to speak simultaneously and several times where Bradley was in mid-sentence as a round ended for a commercial break.

Only Bernardo Osuna, who conducted post-fight interviews, was at the MGM Grand and spoke with the fighters while standing six feet away from them on a stage positioned at the opposite end of the venue.

And ring announcer Mark Shunock blandly introduced the fighters from outside the ring as well, unlike the UFC's Bruce Buffer, who did his typical high-energy work from inside the cage even with no audience.

The network will broadcast another Top Rank show on Thursday.

"The title fights and the great matchups will come soon enough," Tessitore said. "But this is an important first step, just having boxing back on TV live."

B/R took in all the action from the three-plus-hour broadcast and put together a list of the most prominent takeaways. Click through to see how your impressions measured up to ours.

How A 'bubble' In Las Vegas Became The Solution For Top Rank And Boxing's Return

Well before the coronavirus pandemic halted sports in the United States in March, Top Rank had to make a decision. On Jan. 23, unified junior welterweight titleholder Jose Ramirez was preparing to fly to Haikou, China, to face Viktor Postol. A call came: Stay home. The fight was off.

A similar call went to Postol, who had landed with his team in China earlier that day. Get back on a plane. The illness sweeping through Wuhan was spreading.

That was the first of many cancellations in sports worldwide. From March until June, boxing has essentially been shut down.

The return of boxing to the United States has taken months of planning. The study of over 20 different protocols from sports leagues to movie studios to large corporations led to the creation of a 20-page, five-pronged plan, which Top Rank delivered to the Nevada State Athletic Commission to make Tuesday's fight card headlined by Shakur Stevenson vs. Felix Caraballo happen in Las Vegas.

"I've been in this business way longer than I want to admit," says Brad Jacobs, Top Rank COO. "And this has been, by far, the most difficult process I've been through."

Tuesday's card -- and the rest of Top Rank's cards for the foreseeable future -- will look and feel different than any other fight night. Instead of an arena, the fights will take place in a studio setting that looks almost like a concert setup inside a room at the MGM Grand Conference Center. The center is part of the bubble MGM and Top Rank set up to quarantine and keep their fighters safe. There will be no fans. Limited media, including ESPN's Bernardo Osuna, will be on-site. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, which helps detect COVID-19, will be commonplace.

"Everyone understands we're living in a different world here and [testing positive is] part of what potentially could happen," Jacobs says.

"Potentially" became reality, as the system Top Rank put in place showed its efficacy Sunday, when co-feature fighter Mikaela Mayer was pulled from the card after a positive COVID-19 test.

But the card goes on. The fighting will be familiar, but the events will operate differently. Fewer fights a night, a reduction in cornermen and assigned cutmen, adjustments made to reintroduce boxing to the world in the sport's home, Las Vegas.

There won't be any fans around the ring at the the MGM Grand Conference Center in Las Vegas. Mikey Williams/Top Rank

From the start, Top Rank president Todd duBoef wanted boxing's return to be in Vegas, though he wasn't always sure it would happen.

In the days following the postponement of Stevenson's March 14 fight in New York and before the country realized how long the pandemic would last, duBoef reached out to MGM to see if he could put on fan-less shows at its Vegas facility. He also checked in with UFC president Dana White to see if the Apex would be available.

Top Rank Boxing is on ESPN and ESPN+. Subscribe to ESPN+ to get exclusive boxing events, weigh-ins and more.

7 p.M. ET Tuesday on ESPN: Shakur Stevenson vs. Felix Caraballo, 10 rounds, junior lightweights

7 p.M. ET Thursday on ESPN: Jessie Magdaleno vs. Yenifel Vicente, 10 rounds, junior lightweights

Soon after, duBoef's thoughts were scuttled. Borders closed. Commissions shut down. Boxing needed, like the rest of the sporting world, to pause. But Vegas remained duBoef's hope. The Nevada State Athletic Commission would have to allow for events to take place.

"It was a little bit of a selfish interest from all of us that seeing the city and the state decimated the way it was, it was like, if we were going to bring back some business or start to show the world, reintroducing sports back into the world on television, we felt it was important because Nevada was our home state," duBoef says. "They needed to be at the center or working with us, the consumer or average person, 'Hey, let's get some confidence back. Las Vegas is still around.'"

This isn't to say they didn't consider other places. Jacobs spoke with at least 20 other venues across the United States as options. But Vegas was the goal. Everywhere else was Plan B or C.

While Top Rank waited for a venue, Jacobs studied. After the initial shock of COVID-19 set in, he created a file in Evernote and carried it with him everywhere he went. It was his constant reference tool, as he began contemplating what a return-to-fight protocol might look like.

If he saw something in another protocol he liked, he jotted it into his Evernote file. Headings such as Testing, Venue, Training Center, Sanitizing Vehicles and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) all took up space.

By April 1, Jacobs put together the first of at least eight iterations of the Top Rank playbook for returning to fights. It began with broad ideas. As he researched, the plan became more detailed.

The latest version, obtained by ESPN, begins with a five-pronged approach: establishing an internal task force; reviewing and identifying any potential exposure risks; establishing a method of emergency communication; creating the safest possible environment to protect everyone; and executing the plan.

Before fighters arrived in Las Vegas for the final stages of camp -- after sparring completed -- they filled out a questionnaire asking if they had come into contact with anyone with COVID-19, if they've had a fever at or above 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 72 hours, what their recent travel history was and whether they had any symptoms before they drove or flew to Las Vegas. While fighters and their teams were encouraged to drive, flying was allowed.

The layout of the Top Rank "bubble" at the MGM Grand Convention Center in Las Vegas. Top Rank

While the time frame was different for the first card because MGM did not reopen until June 6, main event fighters will typically arrive the Friday before a Tuesday card or the Sunday before a Thursday card. The rest of the fighters will show the following day.

Once fighters land in Vegas, teams are transported in a sanitized vehicle to take a PCR test, the results of which will take six hours. If a fighter or anyone on their team tests positive either at this test or at the test following the weigh-in, he or she is immediately quarantined, and the fight is off. For the first few fights, duBoef said, they don't have backup fighters -- but as they start to build cards, there might be some flexibility to move fights or fighters around at the last minute. If tests are negative, the team will be allowed to check in to the MGM Grand Hotel at a private entrance.

They'll be taken up a back elevator to a designated floor in the hotel for Top Rank. No access will be granted by elevators for other hotel guests, and all movement to and from the floor will come from a back-of-house elevator.

When the fighter arrives, he or she will be given a bucket, water bottle and jump rope with their name on it to use for the duration of their stay. Upon departure, they can either take the equipment with them or have it discarded.

A training schedule at a gym set up in the conference center will be provided -- as well as transportation in a sanitized vehicle from the elevator to the convention center. While the gym will be cleaned daily, it is the responsibility of the fighter and his or her team to clean and sanitize after themselves.

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Everything will be done in the convention center bubble: meals, training and the fights themselves. Access to the bubble will be allowed only for those who have a dated and color-coded wristband allowing entry. If anyone leaves the bubble, they have to take another COVID-19 test to reenter. Masks will be worn at all times except when eating and in hotel rooms.

"Their initial operation plan was very creative, comprehensive and addressed all the issues," says Bob Bennett, the executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

Bennett and Jacobs were in touch often in the planning process, including using the five-page NSAC protocol as a guide. The Top Rank plan already had many of the requirements in place from the NSAC document, including the establishment of a closed system -- or bubble -- for the safety of all involved. The NSAC document also called for the pre-travel questionnaire and temperature checks along with the PCR testing upon arrival. It also addressed the necessity of contact tracing if a positive test occurs (at the expense of the promoter) and a 14-day quarantine for any fighters testing positive, including no air travel.

"To have a closed system," Bennett says, "which means it's coordinated, everybody's accountable that comes in or out of our system."

The trip for Bernardo Osuna will be an easy drive from Orange County, California, to Vegas. When he arrives, it won't be the same. The ESPN announcer will be under the same protocol as everyone else: Arrive. Test. Quarantine. Work.

He'll also be alone. The rest of his usual team calling the fight for ESPN -- play-by-play man Joe Tessitore and analysts Mark Kriegel, Andre Ward and Tim Bradley -- will be remote, each in their own separate location. A remote broadcast app will be set up in Osuna's hotel room to allow for live TV segments. The crew has gone through preparatory runs, but Bradley knows it will be different because he won't be able to see some of the things he catches live. He'll miss hearing the punches.

Instead, Bradley will be watching the monitor inside his home office, with his 20-year-old son, Robert, as his emergency IT guru. The rest of his family, because voices carry in his home, are expected to leave for San Diego for the week on Tuesday morning.

Timothy Bradley won't be ringside, but will do his part on the ESPN broadcast team from his house. Timothy Bradley/ESPN

He'll have an iPad hanging above an open laptop as his dual visual apparatus, with the iPad showing him the feed of the fight and a Zoom call with Tessitore on the laptop so he can at least see his broadcast partner. The hope is his longtime work with Tessitore will make any potential talking-over-each-other issues easier to navigate.

"The main thing I really worry about, honestly, is the connection," Bradley says. "What happens if my internet dies just for a second? Sometimes it happens, man. You get a shortage in your internet for a split second and it's like, 'Where's Tim Bradley? Oh, I lost Tim Bradley.' Now I got to find my way back home."

If there is a technical glitch, Osuna is on-site, though he's there to be a reporter. Osuna will try to get information from corners during rounds and talk with trainers -- from 6 feet away. With it likely being quieter in the studio, Osuna is concerned some trainers might not be as willing to share information at risk of being overheard, but he's hopeful.

He'll also be doing interviews with a fish pole boom mic to make sure social distancing remains in play.

"The whole reason I will be in Vegas is because I will provide those eyes and ears," Osuna says.



Mark Kriegel welcomes the return of boxing following a long hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Mayer just wanted to fight. She had finished a long camp preparing to face Melissa Hernandez on March 17 when COVID-19 emerged and shut down her fight. Mayer traveled back to Colorado, and once she realized she wouldn't be fighting anytime soon, Mayer secluded herself on a weeklong camping trip with her two best friends.

Then, she came home, put up an Everlast heavy bag and tried to stay in shape. She cleared out her house to learn how to inline skate -- a one-day experiment shut down remotely by one of her coaches, Al Mitchell. This worked for a couple of weeks, but motivation waned, so she packed up her Jeep with her dogs, Luna and Moose, some belongings and her best friend and fellow boxer, Ginny Fuchs, for a 20-hour drive from Colorado to Washington, D.C., to start training and quarantining with her other coach, Kay Koroma.

"We didn't even have the lights on in the gym," Mayer says. "There was no electricity running while there was quarantine, they shut that all off, but we had it opened up for us. Coach Kay had a friend there who opened it up for us, and we would bring one or two people in for sparring while we were there.

"It was just us, four or five people in the gym."

Those surroundings changed in mid-May as soon as Koroma moved camp from Washington, D.C., to Houston's Main Street Boxing. Fuchs and Mayer packed up the Jeep again and drove to Texas -- doing what they could to stay away from people despite traversing the country in preparation for a fight. With relaxed social restrictions in Texas implemented soon after she arrived, gyms were opened up.

After all that time isolated, Mayer was now in a crowd.

"[It was] super weird and a little nerve-wracking because all of a sudden the gym is packed with younger people, and I'm like, 'How safe are these young people being before they come into this gym?' Even though I wasn't quarantined at home like a lot of people were, locked in their house ... I was very cautious."

Mayer needed the sparring work ahead of her bout against Helen Joseph, so she continued to train and understood the risks. She took precautions not only for herself, but as a way to look out for her coaches. She says she consistently washed her hands after touching public surfaces, used hand sanitizer and avoided touching her face.

"Boxing is really the only thing I'm willing to risk my life for. Like, the career that I've built for boxing is worth my life," she says. "So this is my livelihood. I wasn't going out to go out and hang out at peoples' houses or doing anything like that. That's not worth it to me.

"Being in the gym and training for a fight, that's worth it. So I had to do what I had to do."

Mayer left Houston for Las Vegas late last week and took the only plane ride of her journey over the past three months. She entered the "bubble," then isolated as she awaited her results. On Saturday she was asymptomatic, but positive.

It's not clear where she contracted COVID-19, but regardless, she was ruled out. Instead of quarantining in Vegas, she decided to drive solo back to Colorado to recover. Both Mayer and Top Rank hope to get her back in the ring later this summer if she tests negative for COVID-19.

"After two hard back-to-back camps, not being able to step [into] the ring both times, you can imagine how disappointed I am," Mayer wrote on Instagram. "However, these protocols were put into place for a reason and it's more important to care about the health and well being of my team and the people at this event."

A wide view of the conference room in Las Vegas where Top Rank boxing will take place on June 9. Mikey Williams/Top Rank

With no alternates available for this card, Joseph was left without an opponent and, just like Mayer, will have to wait to get back into action. Top Rank shifted another fight, Jared Anderson vs. Johnnie Langston, into the "co-main" spot, fired up its marketing efforts and refocused on executing Night 1.

Top Rank also had to work with Stevenson and Anderson on Monday to find a new cornerman after Koroma was removed from the bubble due to his contact with Mayer since arriving in Vegas. Koroma was scheduled to corner both men in their respective fights.

That sort of flexibility is going to be the key. Top Rank can put all its plans in place, safeguard its fighters and its staff as much as possible and hope everything goes right -- until it doesn't.

Jacobs said they'll evolve as they learn. He knows things change fast. Right now, the biggest concern is safety -- and getting a good first show off. Everything else can be tweaked later.

"Healthy and safe is the No. 1 priority," Jacobs says. "After that, having great fights that are entertaining and [for] a person sitting at home, watching the fights with a smile on their face, we succeeded."

They recognize it's a chance to bring the sport to a new audience, too, as Top Rank will be the only live sporting event on Tuesday and Thursday nights for the time being. In Las Vegas.

How To Increase Backlinks To Your Site In Just One Week

How To Increase Backlinks To Your Site In Just One Week

To improve your website’s SEO performance, you have three options: Improve the quality of your content, optimize the website’s text elements (on-page SEO), or increase the number of backlinks that direct to your website (off-page SEO). In this article, I’m going to show you how to do the latter.

As the founder of two full-service digital marketing agencies, I’ve helped countless customers rank their websites on the first search engine results pages (SERP) by improving their off-page SEO. To help you boost your ranking, I’ve put together a brief guide to scoring valuable backlinks in only a week, without triggering Google penalties or resorting to black hat techniques.

1. Fix broken links.

Perhaps the fastest way to score high-value backlinks is to offer to fix broken links that exist on domains within your niche. This method involves contacting webmasters and reporting links on their website that lead to HTTP 404 errors or point to irrelevant or outdated content.

To do this, locate a resource page on a high domain authority website within your niche. Then, use the “Check my Links” plug-in for Chrome to find and automatically highlight links on the website that lead to 404 errors. If your web properties are suitable replacements for any of the broken links, it’s time to swoop in and let the webmaster know.

Find the webmaster’s contact information, and send them a friendly email informing them about the situation. Be sure to show them exactly which links are no longer operational. Then, offer a variety of helpful alternatives that the webmaster can use to replace those broken links. Of course, ensure that some of the resources you suggest are your own content.

Keep in mind that you’re doing the webmaster a favor by contacting them about their broken link. In return, the webmaster may feel obliged to return the favor by providing links to your content. The key is to be genuinely helpful without coming across as desperate or greedy.

Total time invested: two hours.

2. Write guest posts.

Authoring a guest blog post or two is one of the best methods for scoring backlinks from highly respected outlets in your field. To write a guest post, query the webmasters or editors of some of the websites and blogs with the highest domain authority scores within your niche. Politely introduce yourself, and ask them if they would be willing to publish a guest blog post for free on their website in exchange for a dofollow backlink.

However, you should be careful not to veer into black-hat SEO territory when publishing guest posts. Posting low-quality blog articles on content mills or private blog networks (PBNs) is one of the easiest ways to rack up Google penalties, which negatively affect your website’s ranking.

When pitching guest posts, make sure your content is well researched, professionally written and published on a legitimate platform that isn’t recognized as spam or malicious. This way, you can reap the benefits of the backlinks they generate without being penalized.

Time invested per post: five hours.

3. Use social media (and Reddit) to your advantage.

Your social media platforms should already link to your website. However, Reddit is one of social media’s unsung heroes when it comes to scoring backlinks. With an Alexa rank of 19 (at time of writing), Reddit is one of the most widely used and trusted sources for information online. Better yet, it’s a wellspring of niche communities dedicated to common interests.

No matter what niche your website or business finds itself in, chances are there’s a large community of Redditors dedicated to discussing it. With a free account, you can post on dedicated message boards on Reddit (called subreddits) and add links to your website.

The catch, however, is that Reddit is heavily moderated, and most subreddits have rules against self-promotion. So, your goal is to post informational, value-added content on subreddits to establish yourself as a trusted authority within your subject. Make sure every post isn’t purely self-promotional and that it answers questions that your readers might have. This way, your posts won’t get taken down by subreddit moderators and will funnel traffic to your site.

Time invested per post: one hour.

4. Write free testimonials.

One of the easiest ways to rack up backlinks is to write testimonials for products you’re using. To do this, reach out to the owners or PR representatives of companies whose products you enjoy. For instance, if you’re in the digital marketing niche, you could ask to write testimonials in exchange for backlinks to the owners of Ahrefs, SEMrush, Raven Tools, MailChimp, BuzzSumo, Hootsuite and Buffer.

Time invested per testimonial: 30 minutes.

5. Promote your best content.

You can’t expect backlinks to organically arise without a little nudge. To spark discussion around your content, take one of your best blog posts, and share it around to your network, social media following, and friends and family. Kindly ask them to share your content if they find it to be useful.

Second, email or direct message authority figures and bloggers within your niche, and ask them if they would be willing to review your content. Many top bloggers and influencers send email blasts to their followers that include links to content they’ve found useful or insightful — by pitching your content to them, you can ensure that your content is included.

Time invested: 10 minutes per email.

Put it all together.

Above, I’ve listed five steps to increase your website’s backlink count in one week or less. By following this procedure, you can pick up backlinks that send PageRank to your web properties and improve their SEO performance. However, you should remember that content is still king — unless your content provides value and original insights, your chances of scoring links from high-authority domains are little to none.

How To Get High Quality Backlinks

Published Friday, May. 15, 2020, 3:25 pm

Front Page » Business » How to get high quality backlinks

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As is the case with SEO overall, the building of backlinks is now all about quality over quantity. In short, not all backlinks are created equal and the emphasis now is all on the forging of high quality backlinks earned by investing considerable time in attracting high authority sites into linking to your site by doing research and sophisticated digital PR.

Lojix, a digital marketing agency in the UK, says that one of the most important ways to get started in the mission to achieve high quality backlinks is to become a trusted source for journalists and bloggers. This may seem like an arduous task that will involve many hours of hard graft, but while the graft will pay extra dividends getting started is quite easy. You can register on HARO (Help A Reporter Out) which is a platform for bloggers and journalists and others in PR. It’s almost like an online dating platform except it connects those in need of sources with people who are after links or exposure (you). You will need to keep your eye on the ‘requests’ section of the platform to see what you can contribute to, sending bloggers and journalists concise pitches as and when you can. You are now on the road to receiving valuably high quality backlinks.

The skyscraper content technique

Skyscraper content is an inbound marketing technique that if you are diligent and a decent writer can pay real dividends. The idea is to find high performing (but not necessarily high quality) content in your field and write a very similar article that is many times better and maybe a bit more up-to-date and therefore relevant. That is the first step. One thing, ensure you quote some industry figures in your article that are active on social media – this could help you no end in the next step, which is: promoting your content. You need to use your social media platforms to cleverly market your content. Tag and mention and even thank people you have referenced in your article, hoping for shares. Tag others you think may like your article and as long as you don’t come across as spam or desperate you should get some pleasing results. Make sure you try to structure your content in such a way as to give it the best chance of being the go-to content on your subject. One of the most optimal strategies is to make it a top 5 or top 10 list. Such articles are easier to read and often searches are made requesting precisely such a list – feeding not only consumer demand but also the algorithm beast!

Ultimate guides are a powerful tool

Never underestimate the power of an ultimate guide. They are so easy to link to and bloggers and journalists hoover up such content and link to them as easily as they breathe. Often short, snappy articles perform better, but for ultimate guides, this goes out of the window and long guides tend to do really well. An ultimate guide can be like your backlink cash cow as they just need a little tweaking every now and then to keep them up to date and relevant and they will hopefully continue to supply you with quality backlinks for months and even years to come. Make sure you structure the guide well, with cleverly thought out subtopics and bullets to make for easy and quick navigation to salient points.

Make use of popular formats

Videos and quizzes are among the most popular content formats along with lists, ‘how to’ posts and infographics. So much content is well written but ignored as it is in the wrong format. Do a little research on what makes for a popular content format in your area and you’ll be rewarded by more views and by proxy more backlinks.


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How To Get Backlinks For Blogspot

If you've set up a Blogspot -- more commonly referred to as a Blogger -- blog for your business, you need to create good content and promote that content to see more traffic come to your blog. One of the ways to get more traffic is through "backlinks," which are links from someone else's blog back to yours. Change your Blogger settings to make those backlinks visible under your blog's posts, then encourage people to link back to your blog.

Log in to Blogger with your username and password, then click on the title of your blog from the blog list.

Click "Settings," then "Posts and comments." Scroll down to "Show Backlinks" and select "Show."

Click "Save Settings" near the top of the page. Your blog is now enabled to show backlinks, when you get them.

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Comment on other people's sites and include the URL for your blog. You likely read blogs that have a focus similar to your own which you use for reference or to browse for fun. When you show these blog owners that you are an active member of their sites, they're more likely to visit yours -- which in turn can lead them to mention you in one of their future posts.

Link back to others' sites. If you want linkbacks, start out by giving some. Visit those sites with similar missions or interests, locate some good content, then refer to that content when you're blogging about a particular topic. If those bloggers have backlink notifications enabled, they'll get an alert when you backlink to them -- which may encourage them to do the same for you.

Create valuable content. Your blog -- and your business -- is likely focused on a niche market or a particular subject matter, which attracts a certain type of person. Try to think of ways to appeal to those people and make your content something they'd want to share with others. Create timely posts about holidays, write top-10 lists, or start a weekly feature such as the "recipe of the week" to give readers something authoritative and valuable to share with their own readers.

Ask directly. If you have colleagues or associates in your field, ask them up front to put a link to your site on theirs, and offer a link to their site in return. It may seem strange to go begging for a linkback, but it's not uncommon -- in fact, some people pay a lot of money to do it in another way -- it's called advertising.